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SoundTouch® 130 home cinema system

Sold from 2014 – 2018

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Assigning the analog input

The source buttons on your remote (i.e. TV, CBL-SAT, BD-DVD, etc.) correspond to the labeled inputs on the back of your system console. Since there is only one analog jack on the console, you can choose which button on your remote will select the sound source connected to that jack.

Assign the analog input.

  1. On the remote control, press the System button to view the system menu on the front of the console
  2. Using the arrow buttons, scroll down to select SET ANALOG INPUT
  3. Use the Left and Right buttons to assign the analog input to a button on your remote (Auto/TV, CBL SAT, BD DVD, GAME or AUX)
  4. Press EXIT to exit the menu.
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